Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Back from Shasta

...and vacation.

Well, that climb didn't go as expected. I think my organic latte from the hippie chick in Shasta City didn't sit well and I got to spend a lot of quality private time in the rocks at the 10,000' camp (wishing I was back where this picutre was taken).

Oh well, it was time for vacation anyway.

But on a high note, we got to meet some folks from a new guide company and that was really cool. I really recommend any of the people we went with from Shasta Mountain Guides. Good times had by all and sweet, sweet food (not to mention an adquate supply of Pepto and Imodium).

Shasta is a beautiful place and I can't wait to head back there some time.

There are more pictures are available on our beautiful Flickr site.


Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Now open for business

So, here's the start of the new climbing diary. Our goal here is to actually write some stuff about what we're doing and keep an actual record.
The name comes from the common lament: "I'm gonna go hide in the closet, eat some crackers, and cry like a little girl errr....person.
This is a picture from the near the top of Mt. Adams looking down to the valley of the Mazama Glacier, Aug. 4, 2007.